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    MoonWolf's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
    ID Feature Date By Status Notes
    306 Roll tooltips! 03-14-06 04:08 AM Tekkub Feature Implemented
    By: MoonWolf
    03-31-06 01:36 AM
    456 Ability to write info to chat 04-05-06 01:07 PM Repabil Flagged for Future Version
    By: MoonWolf
    05-13-06 04:39 AM
    482 Disenchant information 04-09-06 07:48 AM MoonWolf Wont add Feature
    By: MoonWolf
    05-13-06 04:43 AM
    484 seperate categories for the coins/bijous/primals/scarabs/idols/vestaments 04-09-06 07:56 AM MoonWolf Currently Working On None.
    490 Translations. 04-10-06 02:35 AM MoonWolf Feature Implemented None.
    565 Link Wrangler compatibility? 04-21-06 05:51 AM Aeliel Flagged for Future Version
    By: MoonWolf
    05-13-06 04:37 AM
    717 Show vendor 05-09-06 04:35 PM Quokka Wont add Feature None.
    944 Remove ZG Class Enchants 06-25-06 01:01 AM Devla Under Review None.