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Global's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Date By Status Interface Comment Reverse Sort Order
4570 more transparent background 07-22-12 03:24 PM usernr333 Wont add Feature Perl Classic Unit Frames (MoP Beta)
By: Global
09-02-12 01:55 PM
2305 proposal 06-04-07 05:25 AM Balurion Wont add Feature Perl Classic Unit Frames
By: Global
10-09-10 12:02 AM
2220 PlayerBuff - Add weapon buff support. 04-12-07 01:41 PM Global Wont add Feature Perl Classic Unit Frames None.
2042 Raid - Update to be compatible in WoW 2.0+. 02-01-07 08:32 PM Global Wont add Feature Perl Classic Unit Frames None.
2043 All - Make server specific Saved Variable settings. 02-01-07 08:33 PM Global Feature Implemented Perl Classic Unit Frames None.
2599 Pet frame Arcane Bar support 02-21-08 12:01 PM Willowy Wont add Feature Perl Classic Unit Frames None.
2676 Frame locations saved with profiles 03-31-08 05:39 PM Dusk Feature Implemented Perl Classic Unit Frames None.