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Altoholics Anonymous : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Date By Reverse Sort Order Status Interface Comment
3647 Raid start times 07-06-09 12:19 PM zanathalor Feature Implemented Altoholic None.
2862 Hide the guild bank info on item mouseovers 08-13-08 05:32 PM Turgin Feature Implemented Altoholic
By: Thaoky
08-27-08 07:50 AM
3191 Ability to remove selected characters from the listing 12-17-08 02:07 AM thorswitch Feature already added Altoholic
By: Thaoky
12-22-08 08:35 AM
4656 World Boss Tracker 05-26-13 02:30 AM Tequima Under Review Altoholic None.
3996 Share calendar between accounts 01-14-10 05:34 PM teliot Under Review Altoholic None.
3395 AtlasLoot-Tooltips 03-27-09 09:53 AM Svensn Under Review Altoholic
By: Thaoky
04-20-09 09:00 AM
4770 Add "oil" to currency tab? 11-14-15 05:25 PM Sillysith Under Review Altoholic None.
4268 Glyphs known by alts in tooltip 10-28-10 06:51 PM Silantinus Under Review Altoholic None.
4382 Auction House Tradskill toggle 02-15-11 09:52 AM Shemnon Under Review Altoholic None.
2824 delete 07-25-08 07:10 AM shaladain Feature Implemented Altoholic
By: Thaoky
08-27-08 07:49 AM