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Altoholics Anonymous : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Reverse Sort Order Date By Status Interface Comment
4454 Bags in use 05-19-11 01:38 PM Sadachbia Under Review Altoholic None.
4549 Calendar Raid Lockout revamp 04-07-12 07:06 AM Akari Under Review Altoholic None.
3451 Can not use "left shift + left click" to put the item's link on AH when Altoholic is showing? 04-16-09 05:55 PM coootri Under Review Altoholic None.
4627 Character Specific Macro Support 11-30-12 04:54 PM ParamountFeralDruid Under Review Altoholic None.
4923 Class Hall Follower Levels 09-05-17 12:58 AM Gendou Under Review Altoholic None.
3960 Color recipes in Auctioneer AH to show already known 01-02-10 04:07 PM Foam Head Under Review Altoholic
By: freimensch
04-19-10 05:01 AM
2807 Current xp. 07-04-08 12:26 AM Ravendk Feature Implemented Altoholic
By: Thaoky
07-13-08 01:37 AM
2767 Data Export Feature Request 05-22-08 12:47 PM helver Flagged for Future Version Altoholic
By: Thaoky
05-30-08 01:33 AM
2824 delete 07-25-08 07:10 AM shaladain Feature Implemented Altoholic
By: Thaoky
08-27-08 07:49 AM
4063 Display daily random and quest completion info 02-21-10 02:23 AM Duncanmctung Under Review Altoholic None.