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Altoholics Anonymous : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Reverse Sort Order Date By Status Interface Comment
4630 Allow Altoholic to support 11 toons instead of outdated 10 toons. 01-12-13 01:39 PM heliben47 Under Review Altoholic None.
4900 Add wardrobe as new source for items 09-30-16 02:55 AM [email protected] Under Review Altoholic None.
4770 Add "oil" to currency tab? 11-14-15 05:25 PM Sillysith Under Review Altoholic None.
3191 Ability to remove selected characters from the listing 12-17-08 02:07 AM thorswitch Feature already added Altoholic
By: Thaoky
12-22-08 08:35 AM
4505 4.3 - LFR boss loot tracker 11-28-11 03:03 PM docseuzz Under Review Altoholic None.
4635 11 characters 01-30-13 11:22 AM Penumbre Under Review Altoholic
By: Penumbre
01-30-13 11:23 AM