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Altoholics Anonymous : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Reverse Sort Order Feature Date By Status Interface Comment
3287 Raid ID Information 02-07-09 02:14 PM Hinomiko Feature already added Altoholic
By: Thaoky
03-03-09 02:33 AM
3297 show / save Raid IDs 02-12-09 08:46 AM docseuzz Feature already added Altoholic
By: docseuzz
06-16-09 10:51 AM
3329 Alts Skills 02-26-09 11:11 AM mjsmagalhaes Wont add Feature Altoholic
By: Thaoky
06-12-09 12:04 PM
3395 AtlasLoot-Tooltips 03-27-09 09:53 AM Svensn Under Review Altoholic
By: Thaoky
04-20-09 09:00 AM
3451 Can not use "left shift + left click" to put the item's link on AH when Altoholic is showing? 04-16-09 05:55 PM coootri Under Review Altoholic None.
3621 include boss name in loot search 06-16-09 10:50 AM docseuzz Under Review Altoholic
By: docseuzz
06-22-09 09:19 AM
3625 Scale 06-18-09 02:27 PM dgnht Under Review Altoholic None.
3647 Raid start times 07-06-09 12:19 PM zanathalor Feature Implemented Altoholic None.
3669 Use Calender Time to use Server time 07-27-09 05:37 PM Hinalover Feature Implemented Altoholic None.
3872 Turn off guild communications 10-23-09 09:55 AM Awgy Wont add Feature Altoholic
By: Thaoky
11-16-09 05:26 AM