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Altoholics Anonymous : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Date By Status Interface Reverse Sort Order Comment
4532 Valor Caps 01-22-12 03:11 PM Mechanibull Under Review Altoholic None.
3621 include boss name in loot search 06-16-09 10:50 AM docseuzz Under Review Altoholic
By: docseuzz
06-22-09 09:19 AM
3625 Scale 06-18-09 02:27 PM dgnht Under Review Altoholic None.
3647 Raid start times 07-06-09 12:19 PM zanathalor Feature Implemented Altoholic None.
3669 Use Calender Time to use Server time 07-27-09 05:37 PM Hinalover Feature Implemented Altoholic None.
4630 Allow Altoholic to support 11 toons instead of outdated 10 toons. 01-12-13 01:39 PM heliben47 Under Review Altoholic None.
4483 Sharing Data Multiple Accounts on One Computer? 08-21-11 01:27 PM AlbertPrince Under Review Altoholic None.
3903 Sort Alts on Every Screen/Panel 11-16-09 11:27 PM Indref Under Review Altoholic None.
4063 Display daily random and quest completion info 02-21-10 02:23 AM Duncanmctung Under Review Altoholic None.
4538 Random Dungeon Weekly Counter 02-04-12 12:38 AM naranjar Under Review Altoholic
By: naranjar
02-04-12 12:39 AM