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FuBar - ExperienceFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1407 Experience Bar Under ExperienceFU (aka Titan XPStatus) 09-13-06 12:45 PM Urlryn Under Review
By: ckknight
09-16-06 04:48 PM
FuBar - Top ScoreFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
777 Detailed Report. 05-21-06 10:21 AM VarMidnight Under Review None.
FuBar - HonorFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
718 Scoreboard coloring 05-09-06 04:59 PM venRaged Under Review
By: kneeki
07-17-06 02:16 PM
1663 Auto-join battlegrounds 12-05-06 06:21 AM Vulcanus Under Review None.
1564 auto queue / skip gossip 10-19-06 05:39 PM xbjim Under Review None.
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1938 Command to quickly add notes 01-07-07 09:19 AM vexis58 Under Review None.
2444 USer ability for data modifcation for Quest addon 09-23-07 09:45 AM Vienticus Under Review None.
1978 Simple directional arrow request 01-17-07 12:31 PM Wowgamer233 Under Review
By: bwh
02-11-07 10:33 AM
2024 Quicknote for targeted object 01-28-07 02:59 AM Xanatandor Under Review
By: JaedxRapture
02-17-07 11:27 PM
2025 Add (optional) buttons to show/hide specific notes on map 01-28-07 04:10 AM Xanatandor Under Review None.
2083 Forge Locations 02-08-07 06:09 PM xNomeda Under Review None.
2084 Mini-Map Track Radius Indicator 02-09-07 09:29 PM xNomeda Under Review None.
2346 EDIT already existing notes 06-25-07 06:32 AM xyrrgh Under Review None.
FuBar - BagFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
934 Ability to open the key ring in patch v1.11 06-23-06 12:22 PM vikingking Under Review None.
FuBar - LocationFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2357 Open Atlas on left-click 07-05-07 04:30 AM Vilkku Under Review None.
FuBar 3.6.5
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
644 Skinning the Bar & other things. 04-30-06 07:59 AM willgk Feature already added
By: Boss
04-30-06 01:47 PM
1334 Little change in auto-hide 09-03-06 01:16 PM yacoob Under Review None.
FuBar - ClockFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2205 Alarm Clock 04-02-07 09:30 PM Wiltock Under Review None.
FuBar - MoneyFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1094 Tracking offline money change 07-19-06 06:59 PM wilz Under Review None.
FuBar - PerformanceFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
128 Min/Max/Avg values in the tooltip 02-14-06 09:28 PM zanson Wont add Feature None.