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ckknight's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Date Reverse Sort Order By Status Interface Comment
4330 Expander Opacity 12-18-10 02:29 AM Sir Punky Under Review Chinchilla Minimap None.
4327 suggestion about expander. 12-16-10 08:11 PM Ageladakos Under Review Chinchilla Minimap None.
2764 FuBar RiderFu 05-17-08 09:39 PM Protonpack Under Review FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2736 Arena Team dropdown menu 04-26-08 09:52 PM ironfang Under Review FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2549 Changelog-3Card-r46302.txt 01-17-08 12:57 AM mongas Under Review Miscellaneous None.
2545 Estimated 01-12-08 02:45 PM Dpan42 Under Review FuBar - HonorFu None.
2519 FuBar_ArenaFu and FuBar_ClockFu not working 12-10-07 06:29 PM dns Under Review FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2503 FuBar2? 11-20-07 08:33 AM Night-Undead Under Review FuBar - ClockFu
By: Night-Undead
11-20-07 08:38 AM
2447 fubartext - total cost value 09-24-07 01:59 PM ltdeta Under Review FuBar - DurabilityFu None.
2444 USer ability for data modifcation for Quest addon 09-23-07 09:45 AM Vienticus Under Review Cartographer None.
2437 Coordinate display in waypoints.. 09-16-07 05:36 PM JaedxRapture Under Review Cartographer None.
2436 Plugin position stretch... 09-15-07 05:14 PM JaedxRapture Under Review FuBar 3.6.5 None.
2427 Mod for equipment info 09-14-07 12:42 AM Irked Under Review Miscellaneous
By: Irked
09-14-07 12:47 AM
2412 Topscorefu FOR DRUIDS 08-19-07 08:33 PM Krinius Under Review Miscellaneous None.
2394 Quest Item count 08-03-07 06:15 PM Revy Under Review Cartographer None.
2392 Honor/hour 08-03-07 03:45 AM Maniacpriest Under Review FuBar - HonorFu None.
2386 Honor per Hour (Titan HonorGrind) 07-27-07 06:47 PM chicknfood Under Review FuBar - HonorFu None.
2385 Honor per Hour (Titan HonorGrind) 07-27-07 06:46 PM chicknfood Under Review FuBar - HonorFu None.
2384 Char and mouse position in map 07-27-07 06:05 AM RicochetPeter Under Review FuBar - LocationFu None.
2380 Eye of the Storm Record 07-23-07 01:16 PM echobravo Under Review FuBar - HonorFu
By: echobravo
07-23-07 01:20 PM