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ckknight's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
FuBar - HonorFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2368 Add EoTS to wins/losses 07-14-07 12:41 PM Pahani Under Review None.
2332 Eye of the Storm score 06-16-07 07:49 PM Ellenia Under Review None.
2331 Eye of the Storm score 06-16-07 07:45 PM Ellenia Under Review None.
2261 Honor per BG 05-12-07 10:59 AM Coldfury Under Review None.
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2359 Option to hide waypoint arrow, and only show mapnote. 07-08-07 02:35 AM Dez Under Review None.
2346 EDIT already existing notes 06-25-07 06:32 AM xyrrgh Under Review None.
2339 Friend position (like guild position) 06-19-07 03:43 PM Zintin Under Review None.
2322 Loot Table memory across updates 06-12-07 08:02 AM Izadore Under Review None.
2306 Player Position in Instances 06-04-07 01:11 PM syed Under Review None.
2295 Friend Positions/maping of unmined nodes 05-31-07 05:04 PM DeamonV Under Review None.
2289 Re-Add Edge Transparency 05-26-07 04:38 PM Micah Under Review None.
2279 QuickNote 05-24-07 06:21 AM Solkan Under Review
By: Solkan
05-24-07 11:13 AM
2259 Map Scale 05-10-07 03:47 AM M-A-X Under Review
By: Solkan
05-24-07 06:22 AM
FuBar - LocationFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2357 Open Atlas on left-click 07-05-07 04:30 AM Vilkku Under Review None.
2300 Hide minimap icon to show map 06-02-07 05:50 AM Lenestrae Under Review None.
FuBar 3.6.5
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2353 Panel Padding 06-30-07 10:15 AM JCinDE Under Review None.
FuBar - ExperienceFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2343 Report to channel & alternate rest experience calculation 06-21-07 12:20 AM Corrodias Under Review None.
2265 Track RestedExp 05-15-07 12:01 AM Frozer Under Review None.
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2308 Pitbull 06-05-07 11:02 PM martit Under Review None.
FuBar - PerformanceFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2307 2.1 per addon mem/cpu stats 06-05-07 01:42 PM Grailyn Under Review None.