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ckknight's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2308 Pitbull 06-05-07 11:02 PM martit Under Review None.
FuBar 3.6.5
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1614 PetFu 11-13-06 12:52 PM slymm Under Review None.
2353 Panel Padding 06-30-07 10:15 AM JCinDE Under Review None.
1269 Option to use a custom font? 08-23-06 04:04 PM Mycroft77 Under Review None.
639 Option to turn of auto-creating of new bars 04-30-06 02:15 AM Kvasi Under Review None.
2004 Option to shorten the actual bars 01-23-07 02:02 PM Psychokitty Under Review None.
739 Option to display label for each component 05-13-06 01:15 PM Fin Under Review None.
801 Option to disable Attact To Minimap 05-25-06 01:59 AM Quantuvis Feature Implemented
By: Quantuvis
06-06-06 08:33 AM
740 Option to add plugin label and change colour of plugin text 05-13-06 03:00 PM Mikari Under Review None.
FuBar - Top ScoreFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1022 Pet Support 07-05-06 09:56 AM Henrick Under Review None.
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
2231 personal maps 04-19-07 03:34 AM inzain Under Review None.
2359 Option to hide waypoint arrow, and only show mapnote. 07-08-07 02:35 AM Dez Under Review None.
FuBar - ClockFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1903 PDT Time zone display 01-02-07 12:18 PM bsdll Under Review None.
1231 Option to offset local time relative to server time, rather than being based off the computer clock 08-15-06 10:35 AM Qtr Under Review None.
FuBar - DurabilityFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
600 optional Auto Repair 04-25-06 02:33 PM Sariash Feature Implemented None.
2192 Option to count equipped items' durability only 03-28-07 01:54 PM Lombra Under Review None.
FuBar - MoneyFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
987 Option to turn off the hourly summary 06-30-06 06:48 AM stripe Under Review None.
FuBar - AmmoFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
1646 Option to show both ammo count and percent 11-28-06 04:06 PM Hevanus Under Review None.
FuBar - ExperienceFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
654 Option to have current xp and total xp in the bar.. 05-01-06 06:06 PM Muuh Under Review
By: Xplosionist
06-03-06 09:10 AM
FuBar - HonorFu
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
571 Option to disable honor gain report. 04-21-06 01:49 PM cheadstina Feature Implemented
By: EricStratton
05-03-06 05:00 PM