12-14-11 07:50 AM by: Taffu
I'm back, most likely permanently, and have once again restarted the rebuild of SLDT that I had begun with the v3 Beta quite some time ago. My goal is to finish up prior to MoP release so that I can get a Beta of v5 out to the masses.

SLDataText has come along way, but I imagine it's been somewhat of the red-haired stepchild as of late. The new version I'm working on is pretty much everything I ever hoped the AddOn would become in time.

Lightweight: It's got a way smaller footprint than what you might be used to right now. Most likely less than 200kb running full load with all release modules. It's only using AceDB-3.0, but I may even remove that by the time I release it. It still has LibSharedMedia support and will have a custom Tablet-type lib built in. I've custom built a configuration lib for this (and possible future) SL-named AddOns.

Customization: The new config lib I built allows for standard GUI config menu's, each module having it's own. It provides extremely detailed customization of each individual module...with the level of customization the major version of SLDataText has now with none of the bloat.

New Modules & Features: I'm working on some new modules and fixing some old modules. A personal damage meter is on my list, as well as options to shut off or turn on specific modules based on conditions like if you're in a group, or in specific class spec.

Plug-in mentality: SLDT never caught on as a plug-in type AddOn like LibDataBroker and Titan Panel. The main idea behind SLDT was to create a lightweight alternative to AddOns like Titan Panel. My hopes is that with v5, SLDT might be embraced by other authors translating little module ideas into available module plug-in AddOns.

Anyways, I've still a bit of work to do while I finalize & tweak my configuration library and create the TabletLib replacement. But things are looking up for SLDT, and since I'm on the Anniversary Sub thingy Blizzard did...I'll be around for a while bringing SLDT up to snuff.