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german - SCT_Version_Warning
Bug #: 1002
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 05-05-06 08:00 PM
By: DoctorVanGogh
Status: Not a Bug
I just installed the new 4.12 and promptly got a warning about outdated settings - perfect.

Sadly, I'm using the german version, and the warning is utterly incomprehensible and plain wrong (automated translators anyone? *g*).

This one is infinetely more understandable:

	SCT_Version_Warning= "|cff00ff00SCT WARNUNG|r\n\nIhre Einstellungen stammen von einer alten Version von SCT.\n Falls Probleme oder merkw\195\188rdiges Verhalten auftreten sollten, so setzen Sie die Einstellungen bitte durch Dr\195\188cken des Reset Knopfs oder per /sctreset zur\195\188ck.";

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By: Grayhoof - 05-05-06 10:16 PM
As I said in the patch notes, they were done with a translator. I don't know German, so someone has to tell me them...Please don't report these as bugs, just send me the translations.