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FuBar module order always resets - order not saved
Bug #: 1103
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 05-13-06 01:05 PM
By: Fin
Status: Unconfirmed
I saw a bug describing this same behaviour here:


but there was no information about how to fix it. I'm posting a new bug report in case my question in the old one doesn't get noticed (not sure how easy it is to spot comments on old bug reports in this system...).

This happens to me as well, and has done for quite a while now. Is there any way to fix it? Basically there seems to be a default order for FuBar components, and they reset every time the console reloads.

Thanks in advance for any help,


- Fin

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By: Fin - 05-13-06 02:02 PM
I have just tried removing my FuBar.lua file from the SavedVariables folder; no change.
By: Shark - 05-13-06 02:16 PM
happens on my system sometimes too. all plugins reset to left site after one reload ui or if you disable them for a while.
By: Mindleglalaxy - 05-17-06 06:54 AM
Hi, I am having the same problem on all my toons its very annoying. not getting any errors either.
By: venRaged - 05-17-06 07:29 AM
I have the same problem.. my plugin order resets always to the same order
By: Arxon_Havenloft - 05-17-06 05:15 PM
I finally decided to see what all the fuss was about and installed Fubar. Everything is great except I am too having similar problems. The profiles just aren't saving. Everytime I reloadui, or load-in, everything is just bunched up on the left side of the panel.
By: Alarisha - 05-20-06 10:26 AM
Are you sure that it isn't just GuildFu and FriendsFu that are resetting? Those plugins (latest versions) are resetting position for everyone, but I haven't seen anyone report similar behaviour on other mods.