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Many options in SCT do not work!!
Bug #: 1113
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 05-14-06 01:57 PM
By: bennyboy
Status: Not a Bug
Hello Grayhoof, I've been a big fan of Scrolling Combat Text and I appreciate your work. However, recently I've reinstalled all my addons and I'm having trouble.

I was trying out options for the first time and realized many of the options do not work, mainly the "Animation Option" in the SCT menu on the bottom right. For example, the "Animation Type" set to "Rainbow" still shows it as "Vertical (Normal)". Similarly, the "Text Animation Speed" and "Text Animation Distance" do not work in the "Animation Option" menu. Also I am confused about the "Apply Font to Damage" option in the "Misc. Option" menu. I change it and relog everytime, but I see no difference in combat text or anything. Is it supposed to change the WoW default damage numbers above targets to SCT font? If so, then it's not working.

Yet, many of the options are working fine . Warning Options, Text Options, Message Options, and Event Options are working great. I've had no problems with them, only with the above mentioned items. I only have SCT addon working at the moment, no other addons so I can't figure out whats going on.

I'd appreciate your input on and I hope to have SCT working fine.

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By: Grayhoof - 05-14-06 05:14 PM
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