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Bad argument in sct_global_parser.lua
Bug #: 1182
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 05-21-06 08:56 PM
By: Phryss
Status: Flagged for Future Version
I've been playing around in AV on the PTR because queues on my home server are prohibitively long, and I notice that I get an error every few seconds:

Interface\AddOns\sct\sct_global_parser.lua: 74: bad argument #1 to `gsub' (string expected, got nil)
The error seems to coincide with HKs, and occurs whether or not I turn off Honor+ SCT display, or SCT's rep/honor displays. I can't say for certain whether or not the error is restricted to the PTR--because of the infrequency with which I PvP, I would be much more inclined to ignore an error each time I got a HK. In AV, with HKs coming every few seconds, it becomes quite conspicuous.

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By: Phryss - 05-21-06 11:43 PM
Aha, I just got it again when turning in a quest--maybe it has something to do with rep?
By: Grayhoof - 05-22-06 07:45 AM
SCT is not 1.11 ready. I haven't even been able to logon with 4500+ queues.
By: Arcite - 05-22-06 02:40 PM
Yes it has to do with Rep. I reset options to make sure but it happens in AV constantly because you get rep per kill and it keeps erroring even if you turn off the reputation notifications. Also happens if you kill something out in the wild or like you said, turning in a quest and you get reputation. Tried it with SCT 4.12, or whatever the latest version number is from this site.
By: Grayhoof - 05-22-06 10:59 PM
Sigh...why are you even trying to use SCT on the PTR? If its getting bugs its fine to report them saying its only happening there, but please don't act like SCT is supposed to be working there =)
By: Phryss - 05-23-06 10:18 AM
I don't expect things to work properly on the PTR, I just figured bug reports from there would help you get the mod ready for the next patch. >: /
By: Grayhoof - 05-23-06 03:35 PM
Sorry Phryss, that was directed more at Arcite...but I think I mis-read what he said anyway. So sorry to both of you.

Posting bugs for the PTR is totally fine and encouraged.
By: gix - 05-25-06 01:05 AM
The format for CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE has changed.

FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED2 = "Your reputation with %s has slightly decreased. (%d reputation lost)";
FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED1 = "Your reputation with %s has very slightly decreased. (%d reputation lost)";
FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED4 = "Your reputation with %s has greatly decreased. (%d reputation lost)";
FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED3 = "Your reputation with %s has decreased. (%d reputation lost)";
FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED1 = "Your reputation with %s has very slightly increased. (%d reputation gained)";
FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED4 = "Your reputation with %s has greatly increased. (%d reputation gained)";
FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED3 = "Your reputation with %s has increased. (%d reputation gained)";
FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED2 = "Your reputation with %s has slightly increased. (%d reputation gained)";

is now

FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED = "Your %s reputation has decreased by %d.";
FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED = "Your %s reputation has increased by %d.";

--- sct.orig\sct.lua 2006-04-29 20:24:12.000000000 +0200
+++ sct_\sct.lua 2006-05-25 09:03:04.097972100 +0200
@@ -1004,44 +1004,14 @@
--Player Reputation Gain
elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE") then
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED1)
- if faction then
- SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "+"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");
- return;
- end
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED2)
- if faction then
- SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "+"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");
- return;
- end
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED3)
- if faction then
- SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "+"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");
- return;
- end
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED4)
+ faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_INCREASED)
if faction then
SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "+"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");

- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED1)
- if faction then
- SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "-"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");
- return;
- end
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED2)
- if faction then
- SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "-"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");
- return;
- end
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED3)
- if faction then
- SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "-"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");
- return;
- end
- faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED4)
+ faction, damage = SCTGlobalParser_ParseMessage(arg1, FACTION_STANDING_DECREASED)
if faction then
SCT_Display_Toggle("SHOWREP", "-"..damage.." "..REPUTATION.." ("..faction..")");

Also the Animation Options are misplaced (a bit to the left and top of their intended position). 4.12 does not work for me (no animation and fading of messages). 4.1 works in this regard.

By: gix - 05-25-06 01:06 AM
By: Grayhoof - 05-26-06 10:26 AM
I had already fixed the reputation issue on my working copy. =)

Not sure about the animation issues you are seeing. Please try restting your options as its working fine for me.
By: RedLegg - 05-31-06 12:11 AM
Just wanted to add that only on PTR nul error when any type of reputation is earned. This does not happen when SCT is disabled and does not occur in SCTD.