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Initial installation shows Rank 0 in FuBar (should be Rank 2, Grunt)
Bug #: 1323
File: FuBar - HonorFu
Date: 06-03-06 11:54 AM
By: Xplosionist
Status: Unconfirmed
Unless I'm misinterpreting what I'm seeing, it's showing the wrong rank for me in HonorFu in FuBar. I am at approx 68% of the way through Rank 2, currently, and HonorFu does show that in the drop-down that a cursor-over causes. But, the string at the top says "0 0 - 0". I think the "0-0" is kills, which I have none of at the moment.

Oh, wait, no I think I figured it out. I think the first "0" might be honor, in which case it would be correct for me, who has no honor "right now". Hrm.

Okay, maybe this isn't a bug then, but it's a little unclear what each of the 0's mean when you just get all 0's. :-) And, I would like Rank to be able to be shown there, optionally. Tho, I guess if you're using the correct icon for the rank, that info is already basically there.
