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SCT Options Not Changing Damage Font/Size
Bug #: 1517
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 06-24-06 04:48 PM
By: Cromfel
Status: Not a Bug
Ok, problem is rather simple.

When you select rainbow style for SCT, Text/Message options only change everything else but [b]not damage output[/]. It is rather annoying as the damage is only thing I would like to change into HUGE text so it could be seen easier in low quality WoW pvp video.

Is this bug just on my client, or is it so that you forgot to add options for changing damage outpur font size and style?

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By: Grayhoof - 06-24-06 11:08 PM
SCT does not control anything about the damage you do, except the font used. All of that damage is controlled by WoW.

You way look into SCTD if you want more control over your damage text.