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Bottom bar issue...
Bug #: 1591
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 07-01-06 12:40 PM
By: Grummy
Status: Unconfirmed
Hi there!

I've just entered the WorldOfFuBar and my greatest admiration goes to the author(s) for a very nice job! Looks great and works great, but I have one issue I was hoping there is a solution for.
The bottom UI does not adjust for FuBar.
Well, I've managed to "nag" it in place by moving the bottom bar to top, detach, and move it back down many, many times in random order with some ReloadUI here and there.
When I restart the game it's back to overlapping the bottom graphics again...
Spamming the auto-adjust moves everything except the bottom graphics.
Any suggestions?

Sorry for double-posting. Didn't notice this bug-section so I just commented it...

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By: Matrix301 - 07-07-06 05:53 PM
I am getting the same exact problem, however I found a temporary fix (you need to do it everytime you exit or load the game). Simply put your bar back on top before logging, when you'll log back, put it back on bottom and it should adjust correctly with the Main Bars frames etc. Hopefuly this get fixed soon. Great job on the addon and its modules btw
By: Matrix301 - 07-08-06 12:43 AM
Okay, please we need a fix asap lol this is so freaking annoying, it happens for every single loading screens. I don't feel like relogging everytime I load something