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Changing Profiles causes FuBar to crash.
Bug #: 1675
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 07-15-06 09:04 AM
By: Nuada Storm
Status: Unconfirmed
Get this error if I change profiles in game:
Error: Interface\AddOns\FuBar\PanelClass.lua:783: FuBarFrame3:SetPoint(): trying to anchor to itself

I believe I have the latest version on this site but here is the information from the TOC:
## Interface: 11000
## Title: FuBar |cff007FFF -Ace-|r
## Notes: A panel that modules can plug into.
## Notes-deDE: Eine Leiste in der sich Module einbinden können.
## Notes-frFR: Un panneau dans lequel des modules peuvent se brancher.
## Author: ckknight
## eMail: [email protected]
## SavedVariables: FuBarDB
## OptionalDeps: CompostLib, Metrognome, BabbleLib, SpecialEventsEmbed, GratuityLib, DewdropLib, TabletLib, JostleLib, AbacusLib, CrayonLib
## Dependencies: Ace
## Version: 1.2 $Revision: 1925 $

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By: Agathorn - 07-16-06 01:01 PM
I get this as well. I also get a similiar error if I try to create a new panel, and in various other random instances when clicking on a fubar panel.