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Error Message with ACE2 & Confab 1.12
Bug #: 1678
File: Ace2
Date: 07-16-06 07:19 AM
By: Maenshae
Status: Unconfirmed
I am getting the following Error message while using ACE 2.0.4885 RC2 and Confab1.12.

Error: Interface\FrameXML\Chatframe.lua 1797: attempt to call a nil value

This always occurs when i hit the "r" key to reply to whispers. Normally i dont care that much about error messages, but here i cant use this key anymore, it get blocked by the error.
I tried it with a fresh WoW installation. Only Confab in it, all works well. If i add now ACE2 latest version or earlier ones, i get the following error.
I am not sure if its ACE or Confabs fault, but i wanted at least report it here.

Thanks in adavnce

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By: mafields - 02-09-08 10:36 AM
Date: 2008-02-09 18:21:38
ID: 56
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...\AddOns\Ace2\AceModuleCore-2.0\AceModuleCore-2.0.lua line 196:
AceOO-2.0: LibRockConfig-1.0 is not an appropriate mixin
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
Ace2\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:122: error()
Ace2\AceOO-2.0\AceOO-2.0.lua:920: Classpool()
...\AddOns\Ace2\AceModuleCore-2.0\AceModuleCore-2.0.lua:196: NewModule()
OneBank\OneBank.lua:2: in main chunk
[C]: LoadAddOn()
(tail call): ?
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1:
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1
AutoBar, v2.03.00.31 beta
Bartender3, v3.1.2 r59028
BigWigs, v2.0 r56439
CartographerData, v1.0
CartographerMailboxes, v1.0
Cartographer1, v2.0
CartographerBattlegrounds, v2.0
CartographerFoglight, v2.0
CartographerGroupColors, v2.0
CartographerGuildPositions, v2.0
CartographerInstanceLoot, v2.0
CartographerInstanceMaps, v2.0
CartographerInstanceNotes, v2.0
CartographerLookNFeel, v2.0
CartographerNotes, v2.0
CartographerPOI, v2.0
CartographerProfessions, v2.0
CartographerWaypoints, v2.0
CartographerZoneInfo, v2.0
Cartographer, vr56125
CartographerRoutes, v1.0
ClearFont2, v2.2
CraftList2, v2.0 r52665
DetachedMiniButtons, v0.9.42
DrDamage, v1.2.3
FishingAce, v0.4.2h
ForceEnchant, v3
FreeRefills, v2.0
GearRating, v0.2
GlowFoSho, v2.0
GrindStatus, v1.2
GroupCalendar, v3.4.2
GuildMail, v0.1
Historian, v1.1.0
InFlightLoad, v2.3.001
Informant, v5.0.PRE.2662
JewelTips, v0.5.6
KCMobility, v0.2
LightQueue, v2.21
LitheTooltipDoctor, v1.0.19463
Nauticus, v2.3.3
Omen, v2.1r55025
OneBag, v2.0.55081
OneBank, v2.0.$Revision: 55081 $
OneRing, v2.0.55081
oRA2PvPDetection, v2.0.$Revision: 58048 $
oRA2, v2.0.$Revision: 58255 $
ProfessionsBook, v2.0.16
Proximo, v1.4
QuestHelper, v0.26
RangeRecolor, v2.1
RatingBuster, v1.3.1 (r59304)
Recount, v$Revision: 60014 $
SellSound, v1.0
SendSelf, vSendSelf 1.2.1
SilverDragon, v2.0.56651
SimpleMD, v1.2d
SimpleSelfRebuff, vr59843
SpamMeNot, v1.59610
Stubby, v52
Swatter, v5.0.PRE.2662
Talented, v1.3
TankPoints, v2.7.0 (r58686)
Titan, v3.1.1.20200
TitanAmmo, v3.1.1.20200
TitanBag, v3.1.1.20200
TitanClock, v3.1.1.20200
TitanItemBonuses, v3.1.1.20200
TitanLootType, v3.1.1.20200
TitanMoney, v3.1.1.20200
TitanPerformance, v3.1.1.20200
TitanProfessions, v1.1.1
TitanRegen, v3.1.1.20200
TitanRepair, v3.1.1.20200
TitanRider, v3.1.1.20200
TitanXP, v3.1.1.20200
Toons, v2.0f
TrainerSkills, v3.11c
TweakHub, v1.1
TweakHubMinimap, v1.1
vChat, v1.0
Voyeur, v0.4.49717
WideQuestLog, v0.1
WIM, v2.3.19
WoWEquip, v0.9
NazGuildWelcomer, v1.01

I dont know how this works or what this means... but i think u might get idea what is wrong whit it... when i go look up my bank this shows up and normal bank window is there... them r anoying i want my onebank back... soo what is wrong in my addons... i have reinstall ace2 and all onebag,onebank,onering..... still same

thx from helping
By: Kaelten - 07-16-06 05:27 PM
hrm, odd, it shouldn't make a difference honestly.
By: Maenshae - 07-16-06 02:19 PM
Hmm, i am using Clique, AuldLangSyne, Witchhunt and Lexan. They work well, even with Confab, but i have to delete the ACE2 folder, to get Confab to work. Guess here is my mistake, since the ACE2 addons have no dependency i dont need this folder, maybe that causes the error message.
Atm i got all addons to work with deleting ace2 folder.
By: Kaelten - 07-16-06 09:55 AM
I'm pretty sure this is a confab bug, I'm testing it with the other Ace2 addons I run and I can't reproduce. if you turn confab off and run another ace2 addon do you get the same results?