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Error I think because of FuBar Plug-in configuration
Bug #: 1764
File: OneBag3
Date: 07-29-06 04:16 AM
By: Mindleglalaxy
Status: Unconfirmed

Get this error everytime I login now. Interface\Addons\OneView\\libs\\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:178: attempt to index field `profile' (a nil value)
Also when I click on FuBar plugin of One View I am not able to send it to the right side of the FuBar like I want. I am not sure but I think you may have something wrong or missing from the code in regards to the One View part but I don't no anything about lua so why am I even suggesting lol.

Anyway thx for a great addon and keep up the great work.

PS: US client using mulitple Alliance toons.

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By: dunnar - 08-09-06 09:04 AM
Same error here.
By: Mindleglalaxy - 07-30-06 11:40 PM

Fixed the problem with extra bank bags. It was another addon I forgot about as I wasn't using no addons for bags etc. It was bags_and_merchants lol so sorry about that part.

However I have another problem now. It looks as if when I open bank frame only I am getting debugg information and don't know how to stop it. This is what is displayed in chatlog:
40 messed up BBankFrameItem1
41 messed up BBankFrameItem2
etc etc etc
Hope you can remedy this easily and btw using SVN BankView 6196, OneBank 6303 and OneBag 6302.

Thanks again for a great addon.

PS: Apart from that everything is working except for the moving etc of OneView on Fubar.
By: Kudane - 07-30-06 04:44 AM
Tried the fix from Kaelten, works great only two problems I found with the FuBar plugin now.

1. Can not drag it to another posistion or from top to bottom bar

2. It does not show up under any "category" so that you could toggle it using the fubar listed plugins.

other than that. great fix Kaelten
By: Kaelten - 07-29-06 11:23 PM
I've got a fix for most of these on my svn.
By: Kudane - 07-29-06 05:54 PM
I have updated to the latest version of Fubar and still getting this same error. Seems to not save some of the config data as I have had to reset the colors for prof bags and such several times.

Great addon! hope you can get the fubar plugin fixed.
By: CryoniC - 07-29-06 06:42 AM
I am also getting an error regarding the FuBar plugin.
By: Mindleglalaxy - 07-29-06 06:10 AM
Also forgot to mention whenever I open the bank (at the bank it self) all my extra purchased bags show up in there original frames (eg standard blizzard ones). I just close them and it works fine just can get annoying when you have level 60 toon with all bag slots and having to close each one manually.

Thanks again