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Could not open the configuration window. (was "Bug that people are recieving.")
Bug #: 1799
File: JIM's Abacus for Minimap
Date: 08-04-06 10:05 PM
By: Zulah
Status: Fixed
Error: Could not open the configuration window. Reason: MISSING
AddOn: JIM_toolbox
File: LoadOnDemandConfig.lua
Line: 66
Count: 1

I see this on a few of the sites about this error. Figured I would bring it to your attention.

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By: JIM the Inventor - 09-28-06 08:43 AM

With the lastest patch of World of Warcraft (their version 1.12.1), I discovered that my copies of "JIM's Various Options", which is included with almost every AddOn I make, were too recent -- yes, it would seem that marking them as compliant with WoW 1.30 is not an acceptable trick!

It is quite possible this error will continue to show up as I chase the version number around. For your part, you can go around it by altering the following line in every AddOn .toc file. "11200" gets replaced with the WoW version number, stripped of periods.

## Interface: 11200
By: JIM the Inventor - 09-09-06 05:32 PM
Thank you, Zulah. This was due to an oversight on my part, as I was producing version 1.11.28.
Three days after it was reported, I replaced the faulty version with 1.11.29, which I believe fixed this.

People have also told me about the Reason: INTERFACE_VERSION. I don't really know why this occurs. I think it had something to do with the end-user not updating "JIM_toolbox.toc" with the latest copy. At any rate, she resolved the problem, supposedly by unzipping the entire ZIP file once again.