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normal wow damage display
Bug #: 1817
File: SCT - Damage
Date: 08-06-06 11:47 PM
By: soultaker
Status: Unconfirmed
hi, i downloaded sct and sct damage, like it very much, but i have a lil problem

when i check the disable wow damage button and start fighting, my sct damage becomes disabled and normal wow damage enabled again, and when i enable sct damage again and disable the normal wow damage in interface, same thing happens, wow damage shows, sct damage doesnt, when i check option, sct damage is automaticly disabled again

when i enable sct damage and dont touch the disable wow damage button, and dont disable it in interface either, it works, but off course it shows the damage twice then, pls your advice how to fix this


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By: soultaker - 08-07-06 09:53 AM
ok it works now thx, guess i will leave the enable in pvp thingy unchecked for now
By: Grayhoof - 08-07-06 09:08 AM
I haven't tested it on a PvP server, but try this:

- Uninstall/disable SCT.
- Go to your WTF/Account/SavedVariables folder and delete sct.lua and sct.bak.
- Login to WoW and manually turn on the damage flag, make sure its working and log out.
- Reinstall/Enable SCT
- Login to Wow, go to SCT options, and ONLY check the "disable WoW damage" check box, nothing else. Don't do anything with blizzards interface about damage, don't click "Enable in PvP", etc...

Now see if SCTD is working and WoW Damge isn't showing.
By: soultaker - 08-07-06 07:53 AM
btw i tried with the 3.12 sct + 1.0 sct-d to c if it was addon or blizard related, but everything worked fine with the older versions
By: soultaker - 08-07-06 07:51 AM
yes sir i am
By: Grayhoof - 08-07-06 07:08 AM
Are you on a PvP server?