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No DMG or Spell Casts showing up
Bug #: 1920
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 08-22-06 06:13 PM
By: Kamadrin
Status: Unconfirmed
With 1.12 and 5.0.0, I am getting no damage text or spell text thus far, and other items might be missing. This is with Blizzard SCT disabled. Oh and the options are checked as they were in the previous versions, so at this point nothing is different in my options from the way I had it orginally in 1.11 and before.

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By: Grayhoof - 08-22-06 06:19 PM
Gonna have to give me more info. Obivously they work, but you need to adjust something. Try reseting your options first.
By: Kamadrin - 08-22-06 06:35 PM
All options have been reset...I get to see most text, such as when I bandage, I see +heals that it yields. I see almost all items that are checked as far as I can tell, but currently evenw ith Damage checked and Spell Damage checked, I do not see the text. I will try a reset and see if that fixes it.
By: Kamadrin - 08-22-06 07:06 PM
Also to note, I deleted the SCT folder and SCT Options folder before unzipping 5.0.0 into the addons folder. I also cleaned out my saved settings for SCT in the WTF folder in the WoW directory.
By: Kamadrin - 08-22-06 07:16 PM
Let me know what other information you need. At this point I am suprised what is going on myself. I have used all the previous versions before and never had a problem like this. After resetting it, there is still no change.
By: Grayhoof - 08-22-06 07:31 PM
You are talking about damage and spells hitting you, or your damage and spells?
By: Kamadrin - 08-22-06 08:10 PM
Specifically my damage and spell damage. Damage done to me shows up.
By: Kamadrin - 08-22-06 08:11 PM
Here is the question I have, should any of Blizzard's SCT options be turned on?
By: Grayhoof - 08-22-06 08:48 PM
SCT does not control your outgoing Damage. That is built into WoW. You need to goto advanced options and turn on "Show Target Damage".

If you want SCT to display your damage, you need to install SCTD.
By: Jinglehopper - 08-22-06 10:21 PM
I am getting the same problem. But I think it has to do with Blizz's SCTD. I check "display damage" but it won't stick. I open the blizz interface options again and I see the output is unchecked. Could there be leftover code or saved variables that are causing this?
By: Lilleth - 08-23-06 04:43 PM
Greyhoof. Happens for me too.
Installed Latest SCT & SCTD. Last night i would every now and again lose the SCT damage to mobs. IE id cast spells at mobs spell would hit, but no damage text appears

SCTD like the previous version would 'turn itself off' (IE untick the enable box in SCTD). Any ideas buddy?