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Problems with SCT & SCTD
Bug #: 1938
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 08-23-06 09:20 PM
By: Kashayar
Status: Not a Bug
I'm having a Problem with the newest Versions:
First to say
- I deleted all the old stuff of sct and sctd (in the interface and the wtf directory)
- I'm running Photek UI (English Client)
- I tried /sctreset

so here's my problem:
if i start up wow none ob both is working. after typing /sct menu checking and unchecking "enable light mode" with saving between, the sct is working. after the next start the problem shows up again
so let's get over to sctd... it just ain't working. if i open the /sctd menu an check and uncheck the options, the example text runs as it should. but after closing the window i see nothing of sctd. there's just the normal wow style damage over the mobs.
i've already tried to disable and enable the wow interface possibilities, but that didn't help...


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By: Kashayar - 08-23-06 09:26 PM
btw i tried out with a normal ui not using any other addons... same problem
By: Kashayar - 08-23-06 09:44 PM
aaahaa found the problem...
the addon onebag also uses ace2 lib. there seems to be ab problem. you got any idea, how to use both addons?
By: Kashayar - 08-23-06 09:51 PM
Ok NEWS again *smile* Sorry if it seems like spamming

The Problem is the Addon "OneView" which is part of the "OneBag" Package...
If I deactivate that... TADAAA SCT&SCTD work