View Bug Report
Errors while loading - sct/sctd
Bug #: 1989
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 08-27-06 12:36 PM
By: Ashley
Status: Not a Bug

Error: attempt to index global `SCT' (a nil value)
File: Interface\AddOns\sct\localization.lua
Line: 2
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global `SCT' (a nil value)
AddOn: sct
File: sct_event_config.lua
Line: 245
Count: 1
Error: attempt to call global `AceLibrary' (a nil value)
File: Interface\AddOns\sct\sct.lua
Line: 12
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global `ParserLib' (a nil value)
File: Interface\AddOns\sctd\sctd.lua
Line: 13
Count: 1
Error: attempt to index global `SCTD' (a nil value)
File: Interface\AddOns\sctd\localization.lua
Line: 2
Count: 1

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By: Grayhoof - 08-27-06 01:57 PM
You have not installed SCT correctly. Please read the install.txt.
By: Ashley - 08-27-06 04:04 PM
I hate to break it to you, but, everything is installed the same way it appears in the .zip file.
By: Grayhoof - 08-27-06 05:28 PM
If you are running buffahoy or oneview/onebag, try disabling them.
By: Ashley - 08-28-06 03:11 PM
Do not have those AddOns.
By: Grayhoof - 08-28-06 04:22 PM
Only other thing I can offer is disable all addons but SCT. If you are still getting the above errors, than its not installed correctly =(
By: Ashley - 08-29-06 10:38 PM
I deleted the folders from the WoW directory, redownloaded and unzipped them again fresh. Seems to work fine now. I am guessing something did not overwrite properly the first time.