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AuctionSync prices not showing in bags
Bug #: 2157
File: OneBag3
Date: 09-18-06 10:08 AM
By: Sykokaj
Status: Unconfirmed
I've recently switched from Bagnon to Onebag, but noticed that on OneBag I dont get my auction information and vendorprices like Im used to.

Info from AuctionSync ( The addon is listed as outdated, but it still works fine.

Maybe its time to find another auctionaddon, but it would be nice of Onebag could work along side AuctionSync anyways.

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By: Sykokaj - 09-19-06 10:09 AM
I looked deeper into this, and I only miss the auctioninfo in onebag if I have StopTheLagness and/or FixMe enabled.

Works with Bagnon though.
By: Kaelten - 09-18-06 07:31 PM
hrm, it should work. I use the same functions to dipslay tooltips as the default blizzard bags do. Nothing speical :s