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Square Minimap error
Bug #: 2187
File: JIM's Abacus for Minimap
Date: 09-22-06 05:29 PM
By: Devla
Status: Fixed
New version looks nice, however I'm getting the following error when Abacus tries to rearrange minimap buttons:
JIM_Abacus\Abacus_Square.lua:29: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
JIM_Abacus\Abacus_Square.lua:29: in function `Abacus_GetAngle'
JIM_Abacus\JIM_Abacus.lua:39: in function `Abacus_GetIndex'
Config5\Abacus_Config.lua:203: in function <...terface\AddOns\JIM_toolbox\Config5\Abacus_Config.lua:192>
<in C code>: in function `Hide'
Config5\Abacus_Config.lua:284: in function `Abacus_FindButtons'
I use a mod to make my minimap square called "SimpleMinimap" version 11200-6.


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By: JIM the Inventor - 09-23-06 02:40 AM
Hi. What happens if you insert this change into Abacus_Square.lua ?

lines 29 & 30:
local x = ( button:GetLeft() or 0 ) - Abacus_Manager:GetLeft()
local y = ( button:GetTop() or 0 ) - Abacus_Manager:GetTop()

By: Devla - 09-23-06 10:28 AM
I changed that code, and its working without errors now!

Thanks alot
By: JIM the Inventor - 09-28-06 07:16 AM
Excellent. I'll put this fix into the next version (1.12.32 or later).
By: 3yks - 10-10-06 02:03 PM
I just made the changes you posted and it has fixed the problem for me as well. Thanks a lot this was driving me crazy