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Two JIM AddOns cause "Tips" error (was "Suggested bug fix").
Bug #: 2195
File: JIM's Abacus for Minimap
Date: 09-24-06 03:04 AM
By: maytrix
Status: Fixed
i use cooldownpulse as well, and if I have abacus disabled it throws me a nil error everytime.

I added this hack fix to prevent it from erroring when not having abacus loaded but still using the toolbox for cooldownpulse.

In config5.xml under abacus_config onload function i made these changes:


local function Tips()
GameTooltip:SetOwner( this, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT" )
GameTooltip:SetText( this.tip )

if IsAddOnLoaded("JIM_Abacus") then

this:SetScript( "OnLoad", nil )
this:SetScript( "OnShow", Abacus_Config_Setup )
Abacus_Config_Setup = nil

Abacus_CloseButton.tip = "Click to close Abacus Setup.\n\nDrag this or any other button\ntowards the Minimap center\nto hide the button\nwhen Setup is closed.\n\nRemember:\nYou can type /abacus\nto toggle Setup at any time."
Abacus_EmptyButton.tip = "Release all Minimap buttons\nand reload the UI."

Abacus_CloseButton:SetScript( "OnEnter", Tips )
Abacus_EmptyButton:SetScript( "OnEnter", Tips )
Tips = Abacus_SearchButton:GetScript( "OnLeave" )
Abacus_CloseButton:SetScript( "OnLeave", Tips )
Abacus_EmptyButton:SetScript( "OnLeave", Tips )


This fixed the error. thought I owuld share. Thanks for another great mod.

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By: JIM the Inventor - 09-28-06 07:15 AM
Argh, yes. The Load on Demand Configuration frame-work that I created is causing this.
You've done good work, maytrix. I'll see that this is fixed in the next version (1.12.32 or later).