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4.1b German Heals/Buff-fading showing up from everyone
Bug #: 220
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 02-25-06 07:15 AM
By: Gardan
Status: Confirmed (Working on Fix)
I gave 4.1 beta a try, but I had to disable some options because I was flooded with messages in Raids. Everytime somebody in my raid is decursed, I get a message. That's just too much so that I had to turn "Buffs fading" off. Also, when Heals are displaying, I see every heal that I am in range. I even got spammed by the heals of the shadow priest next to me.

Now this phenomenon is propably not a bug in sct itself, but rather that the German text messages currently in the game don't allow it to distinguish between my (de)buffs and other's debuffs fading, and between my heals and other heals.

I wonder if you or anybody helping you with the German localization have any contact with the people responsible for the German WoW localization and can request a change so that we can use sct too. Or any hint on where I could go and be heard.

Thanks for this gread mod,

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By: Warlord711 - 07-18-08 06:32 AM
I got the same effect on current version. I usualy make a daily update with WoWAceUpdater and since 2 days I see everyone and his grandma's spells/abilities on my screen within the message frame.

Would be nice if anyone knows a workaround to post it here, not only to tell you know one who saw one who listen to someone who got it fixed.

If you have a fix for it, link it here or send PM to email me. I searched 1001 forums to find a solution...
By: robbers - 04-12-08 01:14 PM
Could you send me a link to that fix, i am getting flooded with messages too, everxthing being done be everyone is showing up on my screen, unable to concentrate on the game like this.
By: Gardan - 03-02-06 01:07 PM
As I wrote in my PM, this fix and the other one helped. Works as intended now, at least for me
By: Grayhoof - 02-25-06 01:10 PM
Can you try installing this little Mod and see if it helps?
By: Grayhoof - 02-25-06 12:16 PM
I'm gonna need your help if possible. Can you list exacly how the chat messages show up for the above events? And if possible get me the GlobalStrings.lua from your version? You can extract using the WoW UI tool on the main website.