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Lower bar
Bug #: 2352
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 10-29-06 11:08 AM
By: xkevzarx
Status: Unconfirmed
When I log in everything is fine. Zone into an Instance and my lower bar is on top of my Blizzard bars. Log out and back in in that zone its fine. Change instances again, once again the bar sits on top of my bars.
Happens on all charcters. Half teh bar gets hidden behind my warriors action bars. I have the "auto - adjust frame" option checked. If i uncheck the option everything moves back to normal. When checked everything except the the lower blizzard stuff moves. I have to log out and back to make it work.

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By: amaklet - 12-02-06 12:17 AM
Confirmed. This also happens to me. Every time i zone - instance or continent - the Bottom Bar moves to the bottom of the screen and the bottom FuBar panel overlays it. Fixed by reloading UI - but that takes some time.