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Fubar adjusting issue
Bug #: 2389
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 11-11-06 07:21 AM
By: xylos
Status: Unconfirmed
I have 4 toons that I play. One 3 of them, Fubar works perfectly. However, one my other toon (lvl 24 druid), it moves my mini map compass up some but keeps the map texture where it is. this means that I am unable to click/view the icons i have at the top of my map compass. It will also move my blizzard buttons (if i have the auto adjust frames on) up above the fubar bar. ( I currently have 1 bar at the bottom of my screen). If i log out and back in, the blizzard bars stay at the bottom of the screen which is now overlapping fubar but my mini map compass is still pushed up. I can provide screenshots if needed. If i disable fubar, the mini map compass returns to normal.

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By: xylos - 11-13-06 11:00 AM
UPDATE: I found what was causing my mini map compass to be adjusted. LocationFU was causing it. How and Why i do not know.