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Options closing too Fast
Bug #: 2429
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 11-22-06 02:05 PM
By: Daparat
Status: Unconfirmed
I right mouse on the module on the fubar and the options for that module (9/10 times) doesn't stay open even with mouse over, on occasion it does which is odd. This even happens when using the Fubar options too, needless to say it took a long time to configure it how I wanted, I checked it was set as the character name in profiles then logged, returning with a different toon only to try and copy the profile, which is listed but says it dosen't exsist, the 2 problems together are super frustrating as it takes me 10 right clicks before I can even attempt to load another profile :) Sadly I had to go back to titan, let me know what I'm doing wrong so I can change to the superior mod bar. Ta