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Crash On Logout (was: "Bugs\Errors")
Bug #: 2439
File: JIM's Abacus for Minimap
Date: 11-24-06 11:58 AM
By: Qshadowp
Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)
Im having alot of trouble with this mod, sometimes it causes wow to crash with a critical error. also its missing out minimap buttons at random, and it hides the battleground button all of the time, and the new mail icon intermittantly. is there going to be a fix for this soon?

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By: Qshadowp - 11-24-06 12:00 PM
forgot to mention that i use Squeenix (A square mini map mod)
By: JIM the Inventor - 11-24-06 01:53 PM
Whoa, hold up. This is something like 4 bug reports posted as 1 bug report. That makes it difficult to address. I will likely have to delete this entry and repost it to address the individual concerns. Until I do that, however, some responses:

1) The crashes - Yup, I've been noticing plenty of these with ALL my AddOns, particularly during Abacus' AFK sequence and during Cooldown Pulse's item tracking. They are quite the cause for dismay because AddOn authors should not be able to crash the program. We are using a scripting language that doesn't afford us most of the memory tricks that can lead to crashes. One assumes that any crash is a flaw in Blizzard's programming, and therefore unresolvable unless a pattern can be determined and sharply avoided.

The best I can do about that - and what I have been doing - is to submit reports to Blizzard whenever a crash occurs. Hopefully that will give them enough information to determine what aspect of AddOn work destabilizes the client.

2) Skipped buttons - This happens with Blizzard's buttons (the time, +, -, and map buttons) because they are attached to a different point from that which I scan. This is a feature of Abacus that I've been concentrating on, with the hopes of making it more intelligent - but ultimately, if a button is skipped, that's what manual addition (ALT-clicking) is there for.

3 & 4) Battlegrounds icon hidden all the time / New Mail intermittantly - I've not observed this. Abacus never stops a button from showing itself, and hides them only on your instruction. I would assume it's another AddOn causing these problems, unless you can provide me with failsafe steps to reproduce the problem.
By: JIM the Inventor - 11-29-06 10:56 PM
Version 2.0.34 of Abacus should bring about these improvements:

Skipped buttons - should not be so plentiful. I improved the definition of a button, and am looking in an additional spot for them.

Hidden buttons - I found the code that was most likely related to this problem, and changed that code's timing. The buttons that Qshadowp mentioned should no longer be affected. Unfortunately, this change took some control away from Abacus. I am looking for a better solution.

I was unable to resolve this problem:

Crashes - I'm still seeing at least one per login. I still believe it's a problem that I cannot fix. Since this is the only issue that Qshadowp mentioned, which still remains unresolved, I am going to mark this report "Cannot fix" until a breakthrough can be made.