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2.0 Compat?
Bug #: 2555
File: SnapToGrid
Date: 12-08-06 11:53 AM
By: Lacindas
Status: Unconfirmed
first off, all of your mods are fantastic, i use just about all of them.
one ive come to live and die by in my UI designs is SnapToGrid, unfortunately in WoW-2.0 when i press my "Snap" hotkey, wow nuts and i cant even get to my bugsack via fubar to get a clue as to what the error may be.
any hopes of making this one 2.0 compatible? ;)
i'll try and find a way to not make WoW bug out to see if i can get a better bug/error message to post.
thanks for all your hard work, its greatly appreciated.

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By: Lacindas - 12-09-06 12:27 PM
cheers for that, itld be greatly appreciated, with the swap to 2.0 addons im stuck in the process of re-doing 90% of the layout of my UI and im sure as heck missing SnapToGrid. If I get a chance, ill try and dig around myself, but im pretty unfamiliar with the 2.0 specifications so far unfortunately
thanks again for the note and am sure hoping its an easy fix ;-)
By: Gello - 12-08-06 02:11 PM
This one will take some research but I'll take a peek this weekend if time permits.