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attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Bug #: 2805
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 12-20-06 06:27 PM
By: Arilinwe
Status: Cant Reproduce
I receive the following error whenever I attempt to open up the options menu on any character. It will also occur occasionally when a spell I cast critically hits. I've tried deleting my saved variables folder and doing a clean install of SCT, but no go. After this error pops up, the menu box won't close and I have to do /reload ui in order to reset it.

Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\sct\sct_animation.lua line 570:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
sct\sct_animation.lua:570: AniReset()
sct\sct_animation.lua:594: AniResetAll()
sct\sct_animation.lua:601: AniInit()
[string "SCTOptionsFrame_Misc8:OnClick"]:6:
[string "SCTOptionsFrame_Misc8:OnClick"]:1

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By: Grayhoof - 12-20-06 07:38 PM
What localization are you in?

Please try resting your options and disabling all mods but SCT.

Did you download the zip from this site or wowace?
By: Arilinwe - 12-20-06 08:14 PM
I tried resetting the options, but the moment I try opening the menu to set it back to how I had it the error pops up again and I have to reload the ui to get the menu frame off the screen. I tried downloading once from here and when that didn't work I tried downloading the one from wowace. I'm running through all of my ace addons at the moment making sure all of the libraries and such are fully updated just to make sure it's not something to do with an older library being loaded somewhere.
By: Grayhoof - 12-20-06 08:16 PM
you can also use /sct reset
By: Arilinwe - 12-20-06 10:02 PM
Even after using /sct reset, everytime a spell crits or a mob resists I get an error saying something about animation. I didn't get the error until I downloaded the most recent version, which happened to coincide with my respec'ing my shadow priest to holy. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.
By: Grayhoof - 12-20-06 10:12 PM
Do you have SCTD installed, and have you updated it also?
By: Arilinwe - 12-20-06 10:15 PM
AHA! I figured out what it was. I've used SCT for a good while and had never downloaded SCTD. I still saw sticky crits and everything like normal and so hadn't bothered downloading SCTD. I'm assuming with the newest release of SCT it requires SCTD to show the animations properly. After downloading that, I was able to open the menu and reconfigure everything with no errors. I made sure to crit using smite a few times as well as a few heals and didn't get any errors with that either. Hopefully this will help anyone else having the issue =)
By: Arilinwe - 12-20-06 10:16 PM
LOL! Must've posted just as I was. No, I hadn't used that before and wasn't aware it was needed now. I did figure it out though! Thank you for your help and patience =)
By: Grayhoof - 12-20-06 10:27 PM
Hmm, SCTD shouldn't be required. I'll take a look and see what I can figure it out. Glad you are working for now though =)