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several bugs and suggestions about Import
Bug #: 2896
File: Cartographer
Date: 12-28-06 01:41 PM
By: Everdreamer
Status: Unconfirmed
Hi boss :)

1. Dont know why, my aged GatherItems table contains a [0] continent, it causes an error in Import.lua line 143 due to index a nil value zones[0]. Maybe you can add an additional check here?

2. Import.lua line 117: should be "Grave Moss" not "Grave moss", or the AceLocale fails to translate it

3. Another mystery in my GatherItems table, the mining terms are different from yours... my version should be:
local gathererMineralsToCartographer = {
["copper vein"] = "Copper",
["tin vein"] = "Tin",
["iron deposit"] = "Iron",
["silver vein"] = "Silver",
["truesilver deposit"] = "Truesilver",
["ooze covered truesilver deposit"] = "Truesilver",
["gold vein"] = "Gold",
["mithril deposit"] = "Mithril",
["small thorium vein"] = "Thorium",
["rich thorium vein"] = "Rich Thorium",
["ooze covered rich thorium vein"] = "Rich Thorium",
["dark iron deposit"] = "Dark Iron",
} -- still some missing types? not sure

4. Not Import's problem, but the Cartographer_Herbalism and Cartographer_Mining. Dont know why, in my installation they always appear disabled after addons loaded. Though I can enable them manually, I can't find an option to persistently enable them :(
This also causes a problem that after importing all those data dont go to Cartographer_HerbalismDB & Cartographer_MiningDB but pollute main database because modules not exist, and horrible question marks ? popped everywhere :D
I dont know how to report this to kergoth, may you contact with him?

Thanks :)

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By: Everdreamer - 12-29-06 08:36 AM
now I see, the 4. results from the Profession Module; sorry for false report