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When loading with other Fu addons (DPS & Durability) nothing will load
Bug #: 2906
File: FuBar - LocationFu
Date: 12-29-06 05:35 PM
By: Knoway
Status: Unconfirmed
LocationFu causing DPSfu and DurabilityFu to not load


I have just d/l and installed LocationFu from the following location:

Installed it to the following location:
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\FuBar_LocationFu

I currently have the following Addons Installed:

Before installing LocationFu the DPS and Durability would showup on the FuBar and work correctly

After installing the LocationFu, the FuBar will load and not show anything as being loaded. Deleted the WDB and WTF directories as well as the all the addons execpt FuBar and LocationFu Still get the same results with only the FuBar loading the LocationFu not showing up.
Added back the other Addons and deleted the LocationFu everything worked normally

Any ideas or suggestions as to what I can try next?

Thanks in Advance,

Knoway (wow noob)