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Current session XP is not correct.
Bug #: 2927
File: FuBar - ExperienceFu
Date: 12-31-06 09:14 PM
By: Henrick
Status: Unconfirmed
When self.initialXP is set to UnitXP("player") in OnInitialize, for some reason that always ends up as 0. So when calculating the session xp, you end up getting your XP for the level plus any accumulated. I have temporarly fixed this by setting self.initialXP in OnEnable instead and that seems to have corrected the problem.

I actually found this when adding another possible value to display in FuBar which is Current Session XP. I figured it was in the tooltip, should be an option on the bar itself. I submitted a feature request sometime back and have been just putting this in from version to version. :)


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By: Henrick - 01-01-07 10:46 AM
It seems this has been reported already. Saw it on Trac just now.