View Bug Report
After learning a new link this sorting error occurs
Bug #: 2928
File: Saeris's LootLink
Date: 12-31-06 10:04 PM
By: Krink
Status: Fixed
[2006/12/31 21:59:44-233-x1]: LootLink\LootLink_Sorting.lua:22: attempt to compare number with nil
(tail call): ?:
(tail call): ?:
<in C code>: in function `sort'
LootLink\LootLink_Sorting.lua:169: in function `Sorting_SortBySortID'
LootLink\LootLink_Results.lua:92: in function `Results_FullRebuild'
LootLink\LootLink_Sorting.lua:189: in function `func'
Interface\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:493: in function `UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick':
<string>:"DropDownList1Button2:OnClick":2: in function <[string "DropDownList1Button2:OnClick"]:1>


thats from bugsack and it happens after the button at the minimap turns yellow from learning a new link. Upon clicking that button that error is thrown and nothing sorts right after that till you reload.

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By: Gorhug - 01-01-07 04:44 AM
Are you using the data sharing channel? I encountered this when I was using it and getting info (vendor prices for items not in my database) from there. Otherwise learning new items doesn't cause me this.
By: Krink - 01-01-07 07:09 PM
yep datashare is on will turn it off and try it again to see if thats whats doing it thanks for the tip
By: Saeris - 01-08-07 12:05 AM
I fixed this in the same version that I implemented the list of "trusted" data senders.