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One Item Looting
Bug #: 2947
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 01-02-07 07:25 PM
By: Therum
Status: Unconfirmed
Ok, I am getting the following error only when I loot mobs that have 1 single item on them IE coin.

Gives me: Fubar has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI.

Bugsack catches the following in reference to it.

[2007/01/02 17:45:08-20-x26]: <event>ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED:AddOn 'FuBar' tried to call the protected function 'LootSlot()'.
<in C code>: in function `LootSlot'
Interface\FrameXML\LootFrame.lua:157: in function `LootButton_OnClick':
<string>:"LootButton1:OnClick":3: in function <[string "LootButton1:OnClick"]:1>