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Oneview char list names
Bug #: 2996
File: OneBag3
Date: 01-06-07 09:03 PM
By: khuren
Status: Unconfirmed
Had a problem yesterday with oneview giving an error at line 177 of OneStorage that was fixed this morning however with the new updated version the names in the Char Select list are now showing as Name - Name. It always has showed the names as just Name. It is also creating a new storage array for the the new name - name and ignoring the entry for just name. As an example I have included a dodgy text art to try and descrie the problem a bit better. Hope this helps.

| Char Select |
---------------------------------- -----------------------------
| Barthilas - Alliance > | | Arabarina |
| Frostmourne - Alliance > | | Arabarina - Arabarina |
---------------------------------- -----------------------------

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By: Breet - 01-09-07 03:19 AM
Also getting this with the AceDB change that was made. Except, nothing is being saved in the new entries (shows blank) and the old entries are not updating
By: khuren - 01-06-07 09:05 PM
Dammit extra spaces removed.... Well hopefully you can figure out what I mean.