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Mind Control Pet Bar Not Appearing
Bug #: 3168
File: CT_RaidAssist
Date: 01-21-07 12:30 PM
By: Infra
Status: Unconfirmed
When CT_RaidAssist, the most recent version (as downloaded off, is activated, Priests that use Mind Control on a Humanoid do not get the Pet Action Bar to appear. Normally without CT_RaidAssist enabled, a bar will pop up with the Humanoid's special abilities, and it would appear right above the Bottom Left Hotbar. However, through trial and error, I have narrowed it down to CT_RaidAssist-the bar does not appear.

I would appreciate this being looked into as soon as possible, as I am a Priest, and love having CT_RaidAssist up at all times, but hate my Mind Control bar disappearing.