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Not detecting AV wins
Bug #: 317
File: FuBar - HonorFu
Date: 03-09-06 07:07 AM
By: Terefen
Status: Awaiting Feedback
With the new per BG win-loss records (thank you :) ) I can see that AV victories are not detected. With 2 victories tonight, my record still says 0-0. Total win-loss does not change either. No idea about losses.

If it helps, I was playing Horde when I came across this. Have fun testing this one :)

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By: Terefen - 06-27-06 06:16 AM
With patch 1.11 I deleted the contents of my WTF folder and rebuilt it from scratch. I can now see an AV win.
By: Terefen - 03-12-06 08:47 PM
I believe it says "The Horde wins." I'll keep an eye out for it next time and confirm it for you.
By: Boss - 03-11-06 07:56 AM
Currently it detects loss/victory by a message appearing in the battlegrounds "The Horde wins" or "The Alliance wins". If you could, see if that message appears (it's a neutral message), and if not, tell me what does appear that I could use to check for victory conditions.
By: Terefen - 03-09-06 03:17 PM
English Client.

I suspected it had the same problem before the individual BGs change, but wasn't sure.
By: Boss - 03-09-06 08:24 AM
If it can't figure out which battleground you are in, it defaults to Warsong Gulch, so you should've gotten at least a total win-loss change. Did you have any problems before I put in the battleground-specific code?
By: Boss - 03-09-06 08:07 AM
Are you using a non-English client?