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Damage Event not working, all other events work 100% fine.
Bug #: 3274
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 02-02-07 04:08 PM
By: Raist
Status: Not a Bug
All damage events do not work, so normal damage, periodic damage, spell damage, pet damage, etc all do not show up with SCT at all in SCT 5.31 for WoW: TBC latest patch

I tried reloaduing ui, i made sure i saved and exit'd, i tried setting it to both Frames, nothing. so that means i have to use blizz's damage display (in advanced interface options of wow) which sucks, and btw i tried unchecking/checking all those and still doesnt work.

im not the only one several others have same situation as me @'s comment list for this mod

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By: Grayhoof - 02-02-07 05:40 PM
Please reset your options and/or delete your sctd.lua and sct.lua files from your WTF folder.

Also try disabling all mods but SCT and SCTD.
By: Raist - 02-03-07 10:36 PM
yeah i tried deleting the sct lua files in wtf saved variables folder, i also reset my options, then reloaded ui, and i tried disabling all mods and also getting rid of old interface and old wtf folders and only putting in SCT

nope still doesnt work
By: Grayhoof - 02-04-07 01:01 AM
Are you talking about damage to you, or the damage you do? You do know SCT does not show the damage you do, you have to install SCTD for that.

There's not much more I can do or suggest. Might try deleting/renaming your addon folder and reinstalling SCT fresh from this site.
By: Raist - 02-04-07 02:13 PM
wow i feel like a moron.
i thought SCT long ago did show damage you do also, and SCTD was for showing damage in center of screen instead of over mob's head as some mobs (usually raid dungeon mobs) are really huge and make it hard to see the damage you do.
i'll just download SCTD then.