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    View Bug Report
    Interface\AddOns\Metamapbwp\MetaMapBWP.lua:399:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
    Bug #: 3344
    File: MetaMap
    Date: 02-19-07 08:55 AM
    By: erica647
    Status: Unconfirmed
    Happens when selecting "Pet Details" from the pet picture panel after initial load of WoW.
    Doesn't happen again until WoW is restarted and doesn't happen again in same WoW session.

    Interface\AddOns\Metamapbwp\MetaMapBWP.lua:399:attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

    Character is a level 70 NE Hunter Female
    Tried resetting everything by deleting the interface folders and settings but still happens.
    Very consistent error... always happens when attemtping to get pet details after initial WoW load.

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    By: erica647 - 02-19-07 12:25 PM
    I just wanted to add that I have the latest version of Metamap installed as well.