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Cartographer throws 1 error per second in BG's
Bug #: 3558
File: Cartographer
Date: 04-27-07 12:20 PM
By: Wowgamer233
Status: Unconfirmed
I've been using Cartographer for a while now and was hoping this bug would be flushed out and resolved through general evolution of the mod but sadly not.

Cartographer behaves flawlessly when I am not in a BG. When in a BG on any toon on any server Cartographer throws an error approximately every second. The error causes noticeable lag so I end up having to disable Cartographer for the times I play BG's.

I guess the next obvious thing is for me to present this highly reproducible error in this bug report so I'll do that in a few hours when I get home and can grab the Bugsac info.

---- error coming in the next few hours...

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By: Wowgamer233 - 04-27-07 06:47 PM

Looks like disabling Cartographer_GroupColors resolved the issue...

[2007/04/27 20:16:05-945-x103]: Cartographer_GroupColors-2.0\GroupColors.lua:128: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)