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All Fubar plugins missing when loading UI
Bug #: 3574
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 05-07-07 08:47 AM
By: chocobochicken
Status: Unconfirmed
When logging in or reloading the UI, only blank Fubar panels appear with no plugins added. Right-clicking a panel to view the Fubar menu still shows the categories of available plugins, but all are unchecked and left-clicking a plugin does not add it to Fubar as normal. The only way to restore any functionality to Fubar is by changing the character profile. Unfortunately, some addons (such as cyCircled) still don't function properly at this point without a /reloadui, which only resets the Fubar panels to blank again, repeating the problem.

After disabling each Fubar plugin one-by-one, I narrowed the problem to BagFu. I'm not sure what about BagFu caused this problem, but it gave no error messages and prevented the rest of Fubar from working properly. I thought it would be worth noting here.