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    View Bug Report
    Tradeskillinfo causes my MailFu to give double Mail alerts.
    Bug #: 3596
    File: TradeSkillInfo
    Date: 05-14-07 12:06 AM
    By: Katardre
    Status: Unconfirmed
    Posting here what I posted to Tekkub of MailFu because it's a nice format for things...

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Download and install Fubar and MailFu
    2. Download and install TradeSkillInfo and TradeSkillInfoUI
    3. buy something from the AH

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    1 mail alert telling me I have made a purchase. I get 2 instead. also
    happens when I sell something on AH.

    What version of the addon are you using? Where did you download from?
    Got both addons off WoWAce. Version 26541 of MailFu and Version 30295 of

    What version of WoW are you using?
    Patch: 2.0.12
    Locale: enUS

    Please provide any additional information below.
    seems TradeSkillInfo and MailFu don't play nice together. One or the other
    is causing my MailFu to give me double mail alerts. As if I bought two
    things instead of just one. Also gives me a mail alert when I first log on
    even when I don't have any mail. If I remove tradeSkillInfo the problem
    goes away. not sure which addon is causing the problem so I posted a note to both. Maybe one of you can figure it out.